Book Cover

A critical analysis of the Modernists and the Hadeeth Rejecters

Author: Sajid A. Kayum

Description: Ilmul-Kalaam (argumentation based on Greek philosophy) is among such innovations in the religion that created intellectual schisms in the Muslim nation and initiated deviant trends. One of the sects that indulged in Ilmul-Kalaam were the Mu'tazilah. They gave precedence to intellect over the revealed texts of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah - when they perceived the two conflicted. This attitude set an evil precedent for all later groups who sought to make intellect and desire decisive over the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. In this book, we shall critique such modernist groups that attempt to impose novel interpretations upon Islamic teachings. We shall see in this booklet the close resemblance between Christian and Jewish Modernists on one hand, and the 'Muslim' modernist and progressives on the other. We shall analyze the views that have become the hallmark of the Modernist call and expose their remoteness from Islam. Lastly, we shall comment on the most outrageous antics of present-day 'progressives', expose their hatred for Islamic teachings and report on the complete failure of their call. The second section of this booklet deals with the misguidance of rejecting Hadeeth as this is another malady afflicting all Mu'tazili influenced groups whether the Modernists, the Progressives, the Secularists or the pseudo-Islamists. The refutation focuses upon analyzing the views of three prominent rejecters of Hadeeth; Rashad Khalifah, Ghulam Parvez and Amin Ahsan Islahi.